St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
The Claretian Missionaries
Fr Bijaya Chandra Nayak (aka Bijoy), CMF (Parish Priest)
Fr Philip Blandford, CMF (Assistant Priest)
Fr Gerry Ezekwere, CMF Sabbatical

Claretians Mission
New Biblical Studies Online Course
“The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
Welcome to participate FREELY on Fridays in the Biblical Studies Online Course on “The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
The session begins at 4 pm London UK Time on Friday 19th January 2024
Led by Fr Bijoy CMF, London, United Kingdom
(Master in Biblical Theology & Hebraic Context of the Bible)
Via- ‘GoogleMeet’ Online
Duration: 05 hours for 05 Sessions
Day: (Friday, Weekly)- For an hour Session
London, UK Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Newyork, USA Time: 12 Noon – 1 pm
Italy & Spain Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
India Time:9.30 pm – 10.30 pm
Zimbabwe Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
Indonesia Time: 11 pm – 12 Midnight
Login Time 15 minutes before the Session begins
Language: English
For FREE REGISTRATION, kindly email: [email protected]
This course is open to all interested in learning the most important Book Deuteronomy within the Torah of Moses and the most quoted by the New Testament authors. You will gain a lot from the Bible studies through the lens of the original Hebrew Bible.
This course covers Wilderness Testing, The First, Second, and Third Tests, Words in the Wilderness, What is Shema?, Jesus and the Shema part 1&2, the Ten Commandments in the Deuteronomy, commandments as Categories, 10 vs 613, Jesus and Ten Commandments, Two Wildernesses in Torah, the Witness of Commandments, Two or Three in the Gospels.
United in Christ’s Mission & God’s Kingdom
Fr Bijoy CMF
The Following Biblical Studies Courses have been taught already for the Biblical Ministry on this platform:
1. Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah(Law)- (From the Creation Stories to the Story of Joseph)- 30 hours
2. Discovering the Hebrew Bible- Nevi’im (Prophets) & Historical Books- 30 hours
3. Discovering the Biblical Land of the Bible- 30 hours
4. Exodus & The New Testament- 6 hours
Church Events
New Biblical Studies Online Course
“The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
Welcome to participate FREELY on Fridays in the Biblical Studies Online Course on “The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
The session begins at 4 pm London UK Time on Friday 19th January 2024
Led by Fr Bijoy CMF, London, United Kingdom
(Master in Biblical Theology & Hebraic Context of the Bible)
Via- ‘GoogleMeet’ Online
Duration: 05 hours for 05 Sessions
Day: (Friday, Weekly)- For an hour Session
London, UK Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Newyork, USA Time: 12 Noon – 1 pm
Italy & Spain Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
India Time:9.30 pm – 10.30 pm
Zimbabwe Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
Indonesia Time: 11 pm – 12 Midnight
Login Time 15 minutes before the Session begins
Language: English
For FREE REGISTRATION, kindly email: [email protected]
This course is open to all interested in learning the most important Book Deuteronomy within the Torah of Moses and the most quoted by the New Testament authors. You will gain a lot from the Bible studies through the lens of the original Hebrew Bible.
This course covers Wilderness Testing, The First, Second, and Third Tests, Words in the Wilderness, What is Shema?, Jesus and the Shema part 1&2, the Ten Commandments in the Deuteronomy, commandments as Categories, 10 vs 613, Jesus and Ten Commandments, Two Wildernesses in Torah, the Witness of Commandments, Two or Three in the Gospels.
United in Christ’s Mission & God’s Kingdom
Fr Bijoy CMF
The Following Biblical Studies Courses have been taught already for the Biblical Ministry on this platform:
1. Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah(Law)- (From the Creation Stories to the Story of Joseph)- 30 hours
2. Discovering the Hebrew Bible- Nevi’im (Prophets) & Historical Books- 30 hours
3. Discovering the Biblical Land of the Bible- 30 hours
4. Exodus & The New Testament- 6 hours
New Biblical Studies Online Course
“The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
Welcome to participate FREELY on Fridays in the Biblical Studies Online Course on “The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
The session begins at 4 pm London UK Time on Friday 19th January 2024
Led by Fr Bijoy CMF, London, United Kingdom
(Master in Biblical Theology & Hebraic Context of the Bible)
Via- ‘GoogleMeet’ Online
Duration: 05 hours for 05 Sessions
Day: (Friday, Weekly)- For an hour Session
London, UK Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Newyork, USA Time: 12 Noon – 1 pm
Italy & Spain Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
India Time:9.30 pm – 10.30 pm
Zimbabwe Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
Indonesia Time: 11 pm – 12 Midnight
Login Time 15 minutes before the Session begins
Language: English
For FREE REGISTRATION, kindly email: [email protected]
This course is open to all interested in learning the most important Book Deuteronomy within the Torah of Moses and the most quoted by the New Testament authors. You will gain a lot from the Bible studies through the lens of the original Hebrew Bible.
This course covers Wilderness Testing, The First, Second, and Third Tests, Words in the Wilderness, What is Shema?, Jesus and the Shema part 1&2, the Ten Commandments in the Deuteronomy, commandments as Categories, 10 vs 613, Jesus and Ten Commandments, Two Wildernesses in Torah, the Witness of Commandments, Two or Three in the Gospels.
United in Christ’s Mission & God’s Kingdom
Fr Bijoy CMF
The Following Biblical Studies Courses have been taught already for the Biblical Ministry on this platform:
1. Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah(Law)- (From the Creation Stories to the Story of Joseph)- 30 hours
2. Discovering the Hebrew Bible- Nevi’im (Prophets) & Historical Books- 30 hours
3. Discovering the Biblical Land of the Bible- 30 hours
4. Exodus & The New Testament- 6 hours
New Biblical Studies Online Course
“The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
Welcome to participate FREELY on Fridays in the Biblical Studies Online Course on “The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
The session begins at 4 pm London UK Time on Friday 19th January 2024
Led by Fr Bijoy CMF, London, United Kingdom
(Master in Biblical Theology & Hebraic Context of the Bible)
Via- ‘GoogleMeet’ Online
Duration: 05 hours for 05 Sessions
Day: (Friday, Weekly)- For an hour Session
London, UK Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Newyork, USA Time: 12 Noon – 1 pm
Italy & Spain Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
India Time:9.30 pm – 10.30 pm
Zimbabwe Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
Indonesia Time: 11 pm – 12 Midnight
Login Time 15 minutes before the Session begins
Language: English
For FREE REGISTRATION, kindly email: [email protected]
This course is open to all interested in learning the most important Book Deuteronomy within the Torah of Moses and the most quoted by the New Testament authors. You will gain a lot from the Bible studies through the lens of the original Hebrew Bible.
This course covers Wilderness Testing, The First, Second, and Third Tests, Words in the Wilderness, What is Shema?, Jesus and the Shema part 1&2, the Ten Commandments in the Deuteronomy, commandments as Categories, 10 vs 613, Jesus and Ten Commandments, Two Wildernesses in Torah, the Witness of Commandments, Two or Three in the Gospels.
United in Christ’s Mission & God’s Kingdom
Fr Bijoy CMF
The Following Biblical Studies Courses have been taught already for the Biblical Ministry on this platform:
1. Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah(Law)- (From the Creation Stories to the Story of Joseph)- 30 hours
2. Discovering the Hebrew Bible- Nevi’im (Prophets) & Historical Books- 30 hours
3. Discovering the Biblical Land of the Bible- 30 hours
4. Exodus & The New Testament- 6 hours
New Biblical Studies Online Course
“The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
Welcome to participate FREELY on Fridays in the Biblical Studies Online Course on “The First Commandment: Deuteronomy in the Gospels”
The session begins at 4 pm London UK Time on Friday 19th January 2024
Led by Fr Bijoy CMF, London, United Kingdom
(Master in Biblical Theology & Hebraic Context of the Bible)
Via- ‘GoogleMeet’ Online
Duration: 05 hours for 05 Sessions
Day: (Friday, Weekly)- For an hour Session
London, UK Time: 4 pm – 5 pm
Newyork, USA Time: 12 Noon – 1 pm
Italy & Spain Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
India Time:9.30 pm – 10.30 pm
Zimbabwe Time: 5 pm – 6 pm
Indonesia Time: 11 pm – 12 Midnight
Login Time 15 minutes before the Session begins
Language: English
For FREE REGISTRATION, kindly email: [email protected]
This course is open to all interested in learning the most important Book Deuteronomy within the Torah of Moses and the most quoted by the New Testament authors. You will gain a lot from the Bible studies through the lens of the original Hebrew Bible.
This course covers Wilderness Testing, The First, Second, and Third Tests, Words in the Wilderness, What is Shema?, Jesus and the Shema part 1&2, the Ten Commandments in the Deuteronomy, commandments as Categories, 10 vs 613, Jesus and Ten Commandments, Two Wildernesses in Torah, the Witness of Commandments, Two or Three in the Gospels.
United in Christ’s Mission & God’s Kingdom
Fr Bijoy CMF
The Following Biblical Studies Courses have been taught already for the Biblical Ministry on this platform:
1. Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah(Law)- (From the Creation Stories to the Story of Joseph)- 30 hours
2. Discovering the Hebrew Bible- Nevi’im (Prophets) & Historical Books- 30 hours
3. Discovering the Biblical Land of the Bible- 30 hours
4. Exodus & The New Testament- 6 hours
BCYS February Youth Mass with Talk from Million Minutes
From 6pm join the BCYS for pizza and drink in the Parish Hall, and from 6:30pm Beth Warren, former Walsingham House Assistant Manager and now Senior Parish Engagement Officer for “Million Minutes” will help us prepare for the upcoming Lenten Season, with their SiLENT campaign and other exciting ventures! This will be followed by Mass at 7:30pm, where we will be joined by Fr Paschal Uche and Fr Michael Barwick who will preach the gospel.
All information about this and other events can be found on our website www.bcys.net , or you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching @brentwoodcys
Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah
Discovering the Hebrew Bible-Torah was taught by Fr Bijoy CMF (From the Creation Story, Adam to the Story of Joseph- 30 hours of course): God is the Creator, Promiser and Provider to His Chosen People.
This course started on Friday 3rd September 2021 and completed on 25th March 2022. There were more than 30 participants from different countries of the world to discover the original meanings and the hidden treasures of the Hebrew Bible-Torah.
Congratulations to all the participants with God’s blessings and His providence!
The next Biblical Studies Course: Discovering the Hebrew Bible: “Nevi’im (Prophets): The Prophetic Books”- 30 hours of course will be launched on 29th April 2022 on Fridays weekly @ 5 pm London, UK Time & 9.30 pm India Time.
You are always welcome to join in and learn FREELY. Those who are interested, kindly email to [email protected]
Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society – Summer Newsletter
Among other articles, this edition contains a reflection from Catherine Munns, our Head of Schools Services outlining the effects of the pandemic and lockdowns on children and families in our Diocese. Our Director Bernadette writes about how we are re-committing ourselves to our work at this time and invites our diocesan community to join in with our Relay 100 sponsored walks this summer. Read the Newsletter Here