The World Youth Day 2023 – Lisbon Portugal
The World Youth Day was held in Lisbon on 1st to 6th August 2023 which was amazing, beautiful and miraculous encounter that’s my personal experience. The Claretian Family organised the “Claret- Way” in Carvalho, Porto, Portugal 28th – 31st July 2023 where 1400 participants from 35 countries of the Claretian Family gathered and prepared them with the Claretian apostolic and charismatic spirituality of our Founder St Anthony Mary Claret to get into the biggest group of the world youth day in Lisbon. Everything was well planned, organised and much appreciated to the organisers and volunteers for their hard work.
The energetic youth participated 1.5 million looked like Exodus journey & Wilderness experience of the Israelites among the young people with the presence of God and His protection. The Spirit of God guided them and filled them with full of joy, happiness and also suffering life experience during their pilgrim walk and accommodation.
Having been witnessing this wonderful event and the lives of the youth, I could see and find their steadfast faith, trust and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ and their active participation and collaboration in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Universal Church. Hence there is dynamic faith among the young people in the world particularly in the European and Western countries too.
There were many events that took place in different places, spiritual activities and vocational promotion which encouraged and strengthened their faith, hope and love for God and to make a better life and peaceful world of God’s kingdom. The youth also experienced unity in diversity as the children of one God, global friendship, relationship and leadership.
Pope Francis’ message was “to get up, do not be afraid of following Jesus! Be like Mary our Mother who shared her love, joy, happiness and God’s experience with her cousin Elizabeth; nobody compelled or told Mary to do but she did voluntarily, willingly and helped the person in need. Pope also said, don’t look down on others who have fallen down rather help the person to rise up as Jesus did.”
As Jesus prayed for himself, for his disciples and for the believers in John’s Gospel chapter 17 for unity in Trinity and for God’s glory; let us experience Christ’s love, compassion and forgiveness and be united in him with humility as Mary our Heavenly Mother and St Joseph did in their life and encourage and support our young people in our church, family and society of the world. Amen
Remain in Christ’s love with God’s blessings!
Fr Bijoy CMF, London