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By baptism we are plunged into the eternal love of God and grace is poured into our being so that we can grow in friendship with God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we come to know Jesus Christ as the Son of the Father. 

These are normally celebrated at 1 pm on Sundays after the 12 noon Mass.  You will need to be practising your Catholic faith, that is, above all, by attending Sunday Mass.  If you have drifted away from the practice of your faith, you must be willing to rebuild your relationship with Christ and the community of faith here at St. Joseph’s.

In addition, you will need to attend a Baptism Course.  The courses are held every three months.  Dates are posted in the Church Newsletter.  The course lasts for one hour from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm on a Saturday.  Baptisms cannot take place unless you attend the course.  Application packs are available after the course.  Completed forms should be handed in to one of the priests to check your details and book it in.

The Church arranges an annual First Holy Communion that takes place throughout the course of the year via several engagements and formalities.

This is celebrated every year around May/June for those in Year 3 and above. Parents need to be practising your Catholic faith, that is, above all, by attending Sunday Mass.  If you have drifted away from the practice of your faith, you must be willing to rebuild your relationship with Christ and the community of faith here at St. Joseph’s.

To enrol, pick up an application form, which are available from the back of the Church from June/July each year. This will be advertised yearly from June to September in the weekly Parish Newsletter and Priests’ announcements.

The Church arranges an annual First Holy Communion that takes place throughout the course of the year via several engagements and formalities.

This is celebrated every year around May/June for those in Year 3 and above. Parents need to be practising your Catholic faith, that is, above all, by attending Sunday Mass.  If you have drifted away from the practice of your faith, you must be willing to rebuild your relationship with Christ and the community of faith here at St. Joseph’s.

To enrol, pick up an application form, which are available from the back of the Church from June/July each year. This will be advertised yearly from June to September in the weekly Parish Newsletter and Priests’ announcements.

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the penitent confesses his or her sins to a priest, makes an act of contrition, accepts the penance assigned by the confessor, and through the ministry of the Church is absolved of his or her sins. Through this sacrament, the penitent is reconciled to God and the Church, restored to a state of grace, and indeed given the grace of conversion of heart so as to turn away from sin.

To be confirmed at the Cathedral you need to have an open mind and heart for the things of God.  Even if you are not completely sure about being confirmed, be committed and see how the Holy Spirit moves you.

This is celebrated every year on Pentecost Sunday (the day will vary if the Bishop is the main celebrant) for those in Year 10 and above. The minimum requirement for this course is that you are attending Sunday Mass on a weekly basis. If you are not attending Mass regularly at the moment, this is your opportunity to get back on track. However, if you feel you are not ready to make this commitment, then you are encouraged to wait until next year’s programme, or whenever you feel ready.

For those wishing to make their Confirmation, an application form will need to be collected from the back of the Church or Parish Office which are available from June each year.  This will be advertised yearly just before the school finishes for the Summer holidays until September/October in the weekly Parish Newsletter. The sessions – seven in total and are held on Saturday mornings.

The Church is open to Couples wishing to get married in the Parish. In order to celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony in the Catholic Church, at least one partner must be a baptised Catholic.

Weddings, whether here or abroad, take place by appointment with one of the Priests.  At least six months notification is required. Slightly longer, if you wish to get married abroad.

You are required to attend an Engaged Couple Course.

The sacrament through which the messianic mission of Christ continues in His Church until the end of time. The three degrees of this one sacrament (episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate) are a participation in the apostolic offices of teaching, sanctifying, and governing given by the Lord Jesus to the Twelve. In Roman law, the word “order” designated a group or civil body within society, and “ordination” means incorporation into an “order.” Besides Holy Orders some of us are called by God to become religious priests, brothers, and sisters. As a Religious we make a vow commitment just like marriage to serve Christ and the Church faithfully in community with others. The three principle vows that a Religious take are the vows of Chastity, Obedience, and Poverty.

This Sacrament is available to anyone who is either unwell or is going into hospital. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange a suitable date and time.

Please notify one of the Priests of any sick person in the Parish, especially if they wish to receive Holy Communion.

You can also contact the Parish Administrator if you would like a friend or relative to be added to the “We pray for the Sick in our Parish” section in the weekly Parish Newsletter.

If you are going into hospital, and would like a visit from a Catholic Priest, you should indicate that you would like your details passed on to the Catholic Chaplain when you are admitted.